Wellness and Risk Reduction

This page provides an overview of our longstanding approach to camper well-being. As needed this spring, we'll be in touch as needed about current conditions. Please email us to discuss any health concerns for your child.


As a member of the American Camp Association, Hidden Valley is subject to regular standards visits. All recent visits have resulted in perfect scores on all mandatory requirements and ratings of 95-100% on 250+ items which examine all aspects of the camp's operation. Similarly, the Maine State Dept. of Human Services has established a regime of annual inspections which look at all camp areas.

HVC Nurses


  • 3 RNs in residence, 3 commuting RNs
  • All health and response protocols reviewed by physicians annually.
    Camp pediatricians trained at Harvard and Yale. They are located in Belfast, 17 miles away and available for daily consultation.
  • Well-equipped professional Health Lodge handles all medication, first aid, etc.
  • Prevention program includes sanitation regimes, daily discussion of benefits of drinking water, using sunscreen, etc., excellent ratio of supervising counselors, etc.
  • Hidden Valley has supported children with diabetes, celiac, epilepsy, and others.
  • Extraordinary menu choices can be found here. HVC easily accommodates food allergies including gluten, dairy, nuts, etc.


  • Two week professional staff training in June.
  • Training supplemented by separate certification and other skill building intensives in higher risk areas such as equestrian, aquatics, adventure and outdoor camping programs.
  • Ongoing supervision in all program areas.
  • 3 RN's in residence, plus other Red Cross trained personnel on staff
  • In early June, Red Cross instructors and training professionals prepare lifeguards for the summer.


  • Regular safety inspections.
  • Annual consultation with insurance companies.
  • Longstanding relationships with Maine's best and safest bus companies.
  • Professional driver training for camp employees. Regular vehicle maintenance.
  • High staff ratios in all program areas and cabin life.


  • Extensive interviews and reference checks with all staff.
  • Criminal background checks of employees.
  • Continuous supervision and performance evaluation of all counselors.
  • We "overhire" in order to assure that we can set high standards and retain only optimal staff.


  • Local ambulance and fire service has toured camp and confers with directors annually.

Your care and dedication to the safety and well-being of staff and campers penetrates into every aspect of camp life. This devotion to providing a physically and mentally healthy habitat is evident everywhere.
- HVC Counselor

Thanks for the communication and reassurance sent our way when Sarah was in your Health Lodge. She also reports that the nurses were warm and fun to spend the day with.
- HVC Parent


Wellness FAQ

What do you do about prevention generally?

  • We ask that families not send sick children to camp; late arrivals are easily arranged.
  • Hand-sanitizing procedures at all meals
  • Counselors attend to campers’ daily hygiene
  • Regular cleaning of communal spaces
  • Nurses and directors consistently encourage hydration, sunblock, etc.
  • We have a good time all day long and make sure that all community members get adequate sleep.

Tell me about your medical staff.
Four RN’s in residence, additional commuting RN’s, plus physicians on call. See details at left.

What if my child gets sick at camp?
Campers will let us know if they are under the weather, and counselors, directors and nurses are on the lookout as well. We’ll administer meds as needed, have children rest in the Health Lodge and inform parents about their child’s progress.

How do I prepare my child for a healthy summer?
Once you have registered for camp, please spend time at "Camp Health" info.

Can you accommodate food allergies and special diets?
Of course... Take a look!.

How do you handle ticks?

  • Ticks are now a fact of life at all camps, though less so further north where we are.
  • Regular mowing and raking routines minimizes contact with ticks.
  • Parents: Please pack 15% Deet spray and consider pre-washing your camper’s clothes with Permethrin.
  • Preventively, bug spray and daily supervised tick checks are part of the routine in all cabin groups.
  • If a child discovers a tick, it is removed by the nurses.​ We then monitor the s​ite daily, alert parents, etc. If there are changes​ to the si​te, the child will see our pediatrician.
  • Note: While we have discovered ticks here over the years, very few ever developed into Lyme's or other ailments. And of course, not all ticks carry disease​.
  • Help us please: If a child has been bit within a few weeks of coming to camp​,​ notify us so our health staff can monitor.

What about Covid-19?
While coronavirus appears to be less of an overwhelming issue than in earlier years, we learned a lot from our experience. And with respiratory contagions increasing for young people, we are making use of our pandemic experience to look after community health.

Learn more about our coronavirus response.